English Entries in late April

A Chinese animated film

I want to recommend an animated film released last year. Its official English title is Nobody, but the direct translation of its Chinese name is Summer of a Little Monster.

The story is quite simple, developed from a famous Chinese novel called “Journey to the West”. It’s about a low-level monster finding out the dirty secret of high-level, trying to identify right from wrong, trying to save but being saved by the Monk Tang’s group.

I love it so much! Probably because “Journey to the West” has been one of my favorite novels since I was a kid, and the art style is just like the cartoon books I had read before.

It was released with English subtitles, so maybe most of you guys can follow the story.

You can watch it here for free: https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep706666

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Daily Views in Apr. 2024

April 26

  1. 今年一季度,抖音美妆再创新高,整体GMV超486亿,同比增速超42%。但品牌的普遍感受是:高投入无法获得超出预期的回报,而缩小投入会把品牌置于更危险的境地。就像是跳进了一个流量的漩涡,没有办法主动喊停。
  2. 线上品牌走入线下的两大课题依然是:控价和窜货、一定level的服务,及“先解决3米的问题——消费者愿不愿意靠近;再解决1米的问题——能不能逛到这个柜台;最后解决0米的问题——愿不愿意试用。”
  3. 2022年小红书上与始祖鸟有关的笔记,同比增长超1200%,搜索量翻了7倍多
  4. 抖音#骆驼冲锋衣 话题播放量达27.4亿次;小红书上,有关迪卡侬的笔记数量达到了10万+
  5. 《小红书2024宠物行业洞察报告》:

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English Entries in April

Action Camera

I bought an action camera online this morning.

I need one because every time I show my hiking videos to my friends, I cannot properly express the feeling of walking in the mountains.

The videos I’ve taken in the past were almost taken from one standpoint. The only change I could make was moving the camera with my hands, not my feet. Because once I started walking, the video would become jittery. Thus, the videos missed many beautiful views and it looked as if I just enjoyed the scenery and flowers cozily, like in a garden.

I’m a little excited and looking forward to receiving my package and trying the camera on my next hike.

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Daily Views in Mar. 2024

March  29

  1. 除了基本生活所需的抽纸、卷筒纸,棉柔巾、洗脸巾、擦手纸等干巾以20%的增速逐渐遍布市场。
  2. 零食品牌商品在门店销售收入占比20%~25%,毛利≤10%;头肩部“白牌”商品在门店销售收入占比60%~65%,毛利≥30%;腰尾部“白牌”商品在门店销售收入占比约20%,毛利≥30%。
  3. 反向消费,消费者开始关注自身而非品牌。高端品牌涨价,强化信任感和精神属性;中阶品牌提升质价比和性价比

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搜了一些资料之后,发现这个单词虽然陌生,但其中的很多方法实际上是之前就用过的。有一些,比如很多资料里会举例的英语里记每个月有几天的方法,显然没有小时候我们老师的数拳头窝窝来得直观易懂;但更多的小技巧,对于英文语境下的记忆,真的很有用。 继续阅读“Mnemonic及其他”