The Quantifiers Commonly Used in Chinese

1 把(bǎ)
It is used to count objects that can be held or grasped in one hand, especially those with handles, or items that are bundled together. It’s similar to using “a bunch of” or “a handle of” in English, but it has a broader application in Chinese for items that you can physically hold.

一把刀 – a knife
一把枪 – a gun
一把伞 – an umbrella
一把椅子 – a chair

2 杯 (bēi)
is used to count containers, typically those used for holding liquids that can be drunk. It’s similar to using “a cup of” or “a glass of” in English. However, it can also be used for other items that are shaped like a cup or bowl, and sometimes for loose solids that can be measured in such containers.

一杯水 – a cup of water
一杯茶 – a cup of tea
一杯咖啡 – a cup of coffee
一杯酒 – a glass of wine/alcohol

3 场(chǎng)
to count occurrences or sessions of events, activities, performances, and similar time-bound occurrences. It’s similar to using “a session of,” “an episode of,” “a round of,” or “an event of” in English. “场” emphasizes the idea of a distinct, bounded event with a clear beginning and end.

一场表演 – a performance
一场电影 – a movie
一场雨 – a rain
一场战争 – a war

4 次(cì)
is used to count the number of times an action or event occurs. It’s similar to using “times” in English. “次” emphasizes the frequency or repetition of an action, and it can be used for a wide range of activities, from daily routines to specific events.

一次旅行 – a trip
一次实验 – an experiment

5 个(gè)

“个” (gè) is one of the most commonly used quantifies in Chinese. It can be applied to a wide range of nouns when no more specific or appropriate classifier is available. Think of it as the “default” measure word that you can use for many different types of objects, especially when you’re unsure which classifier to use.

However, it’s important to note that while “个” is very flexible, many nouns have their specific quantifiers, which are preferred over “个” in everyday speech.——That’s why I put it the fifth one.

一个词语 – a word
一个村子 – a village
一个答案 – an answer
一个段落 – a paragraph
一个公园 – a park
一个故事 – a story
一个会议 – a meeting
一个计划 – a plan
一个建议 – a suggestion
一个梦想 – a dream
一个苹果 – an apple
一个问题 – a question
一个项目 – a project
一个展览 – an exhibition
一个主意 – an idea
一个字 – a character

6 条(tiáo)作为量词在中文中用于描述长形或细长的物体,也可以用来指代一些抽象的概念。
“条” (tiáo) is used in Chinese for long, thin objects or entities that have a linear or elongated shape. It can also be applied to some abstract concepts or items that are bundled together. Think of it as a way to count things that you might describe as “long” or “linear” in English.

一条狗 – a dog
一条河 – a river
一条街 – a street
一条裤子 – a pair of pants
一条路 – a road
一条消息 – a message
一条鱼 – a fish


一张票 – a ticket
一张网 – a net
一张椅子 – a chair
一张照片 – a photo
一张纸 – a sheet of paper
一张桌子 – a table


一段视频 – a video clip
一份报告 – a report
一份报纸 – a newspaper
一份礼物 – a gift
一封信 – a letter
一封邮件 – an email
一幅画 – a painting
一家餐厅 – a restaurant
一家公司 – a company
一家商店 – a store
一架飞机 – an airplane
一间房 – a room
一间教室 – a classroom
一句成语 – an idiom
一句话 – a sentence
一颗星星 – a star
一颗珠子 – a bead
一块蛋糕 – a slice of cake
一辆车 – a car
一枚硬币 – a coin
一名学生 – a student
一盘菜 – a dish
一匹马 – a horse
一篇报告 – a report
一篇文章 – an article
一片森林 – a forest
一片沙漠 – a desert
一片叶子 – a leaf
一瓶酒 – a bottle of wine
一扇窗 – a window
一扇门 – a door
一首歌 – a song
一双鞋 – a pair of shoes
一艘船 – a ship
一台冰箱 – a refrigerator
一台电脑 – a computer
一台电视 – a TV
一台空调 – an air conditioner
一台洗衣机 – a washing machine

一头牛 – an ox
一头猪 – a pig
一碗饭 – a bowl of rice
一位老师 – a teacher
一张票 – a ticket
一张网 – a net
一张椅子 – a chair
一张照片 – a photo
一张纸 – a sheet of paper
一张桌子 – a table
一支笔 – a pen
一只猫 – a cat
一只鸟 – a bird
一只羊 – a sheep
一座城市 – a city
一座桥 – a bridge
一座山 – a mountain